Holy Cow!!! Mommy Confession!!

So lately I have so gone lately! My world has literally been put into a tail spin! And I have been such a bad blogger!! Im so Sorry!! Where to begin!?!  I am still playing softball once a week! ran my SECOND 5k Electric run! OMG FUNNNN!!!! Ran about half of it! strait! BUT my daughter wanted to be held! so I had to hold her and push a stroller up and down Cal Expo! FAIL!! She ended up getting horribly sick!! I FEEL REALLY BAD NOW!!  My Husband has made it into background for CHP!! Which BTW is freaking amazing!! The Last step of the process before the ACADEMY!!! I also started a home business! its taken off via INSTAGRAM!  Crazy little paracord hobby has turned into a busy rewarding business that I can make extra cash and do things I love! If your curious my IG is @lovemeknott025 I follow back! 🙂 Also on etsy LOVE ME KNOTT is the shop name! This is why I have been MIA and a bad blogger! im so sorry but sometimes, life gets in the way!! ill be back on a regular basis now!!

Mommy Confessions


Well this week we figured out I’m an irresponsible pet owner.

Ill just lay everything out there…. And then some back story… I’m not that bad!

We are almost 100% positive my only female is with puppies. That’s right I have an unspayed female. Now before all you spay and neuter don’t litter people get on here and tell me “if you don’t want puppies then you should have had her spayed!” Well excuse my language but No Shit!

Now backstory. I have three males and they have been neutered for years now. Plus my dads unaltered female has been here over multiple heats and never has gotten pregnant. Obviously it’s not my males!

I know you all are thinking I’m crazy! How is you dog pregnant! Your delusional! Well we’ve had a few new neighbors move in and they have little dogs so that’s my theory on this situation is someone’s dog got ahold of my female! But since her first heat which was about 4.5 wks ago she’s grown boobs, yes I understand that their nipples become more prominent but all of my dogs boobs has breast tissue, and they are only getting bigger!

Next question your thinking, why didn’t I get her fixed right away, well I never thought she’s get knocked up! My males are fixed and my dads GSD never got pregnant! And she can scale 7 ft fences! Not even exaggerating! Dogs got hops!

And I’m sure your wondering why I haven’t taken her to the vet. Well it’s either a false pregnancy or she is pregnant. Either way the doctor will just charge me two arms and a leg and slap me on the ass and send me home they cannot do anything for her either way.

Our dogs are well taken care of and spoiled like its nobody’s business and I was not planning on breeding her. I know I should have fixed her right away but I didn’t and now I will wait it out and find these little pups great forever homes. I will not be just giving them away to joe blow in front of Walmart!

But we will see! I will be getting my room cleaned and organized so I can put a big kennel in our room for when she has them and setting up a kiddie pool for her to birth in, in the garage! And I can honestly promise after those pups are delivered ( if there are any) she will be spayed!

Anyone else ever had an unexpected delivery of Pups


Today we did our first 5k! It was awesome so family friendly my daughter had such a blast! I am not a runner and I’m HOOKED! I will be doing atleast 2 5ks a month, one fun and one tough mudder! We have already signed up for one in April and two in May! I cant wait to see how good we look after this summer is done!

The dye for me came off with some tough scrubbing, my hubby and daughter will need a few more baths to get all theirs off so we will just wait out their blue hands and legs! I know for my family it was a life changer we have even more reason to run and exercise on a daily basis now! we want to finish our runs with a Disney 5k and run the whole thing!! its a realistic goal and im going to crush it!

I cant encourage you enough to do this with your family! it is fun and will only bring you closer!




run or dye 2013

run or dye 2013

Run or Dye 2013

Run or Dye 2013











I have been MIA!!!!

so I have been swamped with a bunch of stuff to do, catching up on class work that turned into homework, thank goodness I just bought the CS 6 suite! I have so many programs to use and try and figure out haha but I love it!  I have also been planning our Disneyland trip for june! comparing prices and flights kinda sucks! But it will be so worth it to see our daughters face when she gets there! I will be buying a leash for her! ( I have a very independent daughter that is very headstrong and LOVES to walk everywhere so I will not be chancing losing her and I am not for leashes but I am making an exception for Disneyland) Tomorrow I am also running my first 5k with my husband and daughter! We are doing the Run or Dye in Sacramento! I bought an arm band for my phone since I love music while I am running, it keeps me going!

Today I had to go pick up all my pre-race stuff, I got there an hour after they opened at the sports authority, I was smart enough to bring my daughters umbrella stroller because the line wrapped around the whole store! I waited OVER an HOUR to pick up all this stuff. It was so hot and about half way through us standing in line my daughter had a huge melt down! luckily the ladies in front and behind me were kind enough to hold my spot while I pushed her around so she calmed down! she hates just sitting in her stroller I have no idea why but its kinda annoying! She should be good for tomorrow though since we will be moving the whole time! and there will be lots of color being thrown and all over her!

This past week has also been really warm! its been between 70-80 degrees! I hope it stays this way! My mother would be laughing at me right now because she lives in Yuma Az which it is 90+ degrees there right now! insane right? Why yes it is! I cant believe I use to drive around that place in the summer with no AC in my Wrangler! Oh to be 16 again! I am trying to save up to go down there this summer for a week to visit her for her birthday in july but I think im a little crazy! lol my dad wouldn’t argue that!

I also decided to do a give away! We received a Red Star World Wear Gift card with our race pack today! I have looked at what is there and am not too impressed you have to pay 9% of the cost which for like 230 bucks is like 30 bucks which its worth 500.00 so I will be starting that on Monday!  I will be looking for something fun to do! I have also set a goal for this summer to do AT LEAST One 5k a month! I will also be doing as many tough mudders I can I want to do the LAKE TAHOE one which I am super excited about! My husband also decided on a drastic lifestyle change for us starting tomorrow! we both have packed on a few pounds since high school and baby weight isn’t just to blame! so starting tomorrow

NO soda

NO candy

NO fast food

AS MUCH Organic as possible

Farmers Markets

Walks or runs EVERYDAY

and JUST committing to a healthy LIFESTYLE



Just plane ‘ol EATING RIGHT!

I am so excited for all of our adventures and we are starting our garden next week! which I am happy about! Fresh Produce from our BACK YARD! heck yes!

alright ladies and gents! my daughter is awake so I promise ill wont go MIA again! at least not for a while!


Out Of The Stone Ages!

Finally! We are out of the stone ages! we have high speed internet and a new desktop! I am so excited to be writing to you all on here! My Monitor is huge and ill be able to buy Photoshop soon! its my birthday present which my birthday is in 22 days!  I will be 23 on the 23rd!  I am a little depressed about this one I feel super old, especially when I am in class with a bunch of kids that just graduated at school. On a great note! I am loving school and am changing my major I could not be happier! I finally found my nitch! I will be majoring in Graphic Design I want to mostly to web design/ website building and minoring in Photography since I love it and I love my camera even though it is super old haha! But with technology after 6 months your already behind on the times anyways!

Nothing really big has happened in our lives this week, tomorrow morning we will be traveling to the bay area for San Jose fashion week, my Cousin Amanda Gil will be one of the models, google her! She was a middle blocker at both UCLA and Washington (huskies). She is trying out for the Rio Olympics its pretty cool! We are very proud of her! but other than that Hailey has been SUPER clingy. I have no idea what her deal is, even leaving her with daddy she sits at the door and knocks and pouts and says mama! Its really breaking my heart to leave her and go to school. Even at my grandmas house which we are always at like literally 4 times a week she freaks when I just tell her to go give kisses so we can leave thinking im going to take off with out her! its horrible! I have no idea how to break this! any ideas mamas? ive been told its just a phase! Just like her hitting us when she doesn’t like what were doing! ive tried spankings and time out! NOTHING WORKS! I am at my wits end she has been an angel up until now!



Mommy confessions Late post sorry!


Sorry for the late post life got in the way yesterday! School was long and hailey was a ball of fire yesterday! Plus I haven’t been sleeping well! Anyways my confession this week is about SEX! Here’s your warning I’m going into some TMI!

Since being 36 weeks pregnant my libido has sucked. We had sex and later that day my water sprung a leak , not saying that’s the reason, I’m quiet glad for it my baby came out 4 weeks early at damn near 7 lbs. I tore slightly and as the doctor was stitching me I seriously asked her she was going to leave her in there for another 6 weeks Max! She would have been cutting her out! Hello! I’m 5’3 and although I have lovely child bearing hips, my hooha is not that big!!!!

After having my daughter my recovery from stitches was horrible!! It took me 8 weeks to fully recover, my stitches didn’t dissolve all the way and my husband removed them plus I had an allergic reaction to pads! It was horrible! My husband had to wait a long time for nookie!

After I felt good enough to do IT, it hurt! Like loosing your virginity hurt, I could not make it feel good at all and with my husband lets just say he’s good!!! Omg wow, why I think I fell in love with him at first. My husband was not my first or second or third or fourth. He was my fifth. Every boy that came before him never really got me hot and steamy, never had a real orgasm until I was with hubby. The first time I was with him wasn’t great it was amazing! He knew me and my body!

Now fast forward 5 years, a baby, a wedding, and well life. I’ve put on a few pounds, not many only like 10 from when I graduated high school. But I do not ever want to have sex, EVER! It takes me breaking down and giving it up just for my husbands sake. But after we get going its amazing! But the want is not there. I find my husband attractive and it’s not like I want another man or anyone I just don’t want to have sex! Idk what’s wrong with me, but it sucks! I’m 22 going on 23 next month and I can’t help but not to ever want to have sex again!

Anyone out there that can give me some advice?! I feel lost! Am I the only mom out there that’s… Lost that burning feeling? (Sorry I couldn’t resist a top gun quote)

I tried to keep it as PG as I could!

Link up with us follow Megan and Heather!


Sunday Funday!

This past week has been a roller coaster. Filled with emotional conflict, and getting a lot of money put into my account from the government, I love tax season!

Thursday we received out tax return! I got into a fight with my future step mom because my dad doesn’t have any pictures in their house of my dads 4 kids, or granddaughter. Which bugs me and she thinks everything is about her and her daughter. Which it’s not, we have beef from over a year ago when I told her off and called her lots of bad names. Obviously she holds grudges. But w/e I have to apologize and “hope” she gets over it or that my dad and her break up… A girl can dream right haha JUST KIDDING. No really I am… For the most part… Anyways I get a LITTLE bitchy (excuse the language) when aunt flow is in town, I cry, yell, I get pissed for no reason and cry some more. Crazy kinda runs in my family, especially when were on the rag… It’s really a curse and I’m so glad my husband puts up with me, and makes sure I take my pamprin MAX which helps settle my hormones and asks me nicely when I’m crying in the room if I went a little crazy, while hugging me haha. Anyways Friday my daughter and I got a wake up call and had to grab my daughter and rush to take my grandma to the hospital since my grandpa is blind. Luckily it was only a kidney stone and although she is still in pain she is doing fine… THANK GOD… Yesterday we celebrated my husbands grandmothers 91st birthday at our least favorite place to eat, but it was so nice that we get some more time with her! After dinner my husband bought me a new computer! A gateway desktop with a 21.5 in LED monitor for my photoshop and photography stuff! We’re also getting DSL Internet AND signing up for creative cloud so I have access to all the adobe goodies for my editing! ❤ Today we got my husband some new work boots and a new softball glove for our arena softball! We scored a deal! Mizuno pro series glove for 10.97 out the door it was clearances out with no clearance tag! Talk about a nice surprise when we got to the register! Plus they steamed and broke it in for free!!!! Awesome!!! sport chalet is really amazing! Played some catch set up our new computer! And had my baby girl fall asleep in my arms! I love my girl she’s amazing! Oh and we signed up for our first 5k!!! I will be posting more I promise! Life gets busy! And I don’t want to miss a thing with hailey! ❤








Aloha Friday! Blog hop!

Aloha Friday Blog Hop

Here’s what to do!

The Aloha Friday Blog Hop is more than a “Friday” hop, it’s a way to share aloha and friendship to our fellow bloggers all weekend long!! I consider this particular blog hop to be more of a weekend hop because Fridays are so hectic that a lot of people function on what we like to call “Hawaiian Time” here in Hawai’i which means they link up on Saturday or sometimes even Sunday which is just fine and dandy with me! That’s why I keep it open from Friday through Wednesday because I sincerely believe, the more the merrier!!
{ Just A Few Simple Requests }
Follow your Aloha Friday Hop hosts and team members. {You can follow us via GFC easily by clicking on their buttons above!} (Please leave a comment with a link to your site and we will be sure to follow you back)
Link up your family friendly blogs (Or other sites and projects you’d like to share)
Share this hop so that others might join in. (If you’d like, you are welcome to post this hop on your site and/or add our button to your site!)
Visit at least three other blogs and let them know you’ve come to share aloha. (How lucky are we to start our wonderful weekends together, let’s have fun with this)

Ill be bouncing around a bunch of the blogs at what jean likes page and making new friends! ❤❤❤

Mommy Confession

<div align=”center”><a href=”http://thememoirsofmegan.com” title=”The Memoirs of Megan”><img src=”http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k612/Megan_Block-Brewer/mommyconfessions_zps38e7fc9e.jpg” alt=”The Memoirs of Megan” style=”border:none;” /></a></div>

Well it is already Tuesday again and my favorite link up with Megan @ Memoirs of Megan and Heather @ Cookies for breakfast! You ladies are awesome!

Well I did not want to do another sad or depressing confession this week so I decided to go with my hubby’s sweating problem and our poor sheets… It’s kinda gross so there is your warning! Haha

My lovely hubby sweats when he sleeps so darn bad! It’s starting to get really gross and it is starting to stink! We wash our bedding every two weeks and the last time I washed our stuff (which was yesterday) our light baby blue expensive sheets are starting to get a brown stain and its really grossing me out! Everything is stained where he sleeps, and it smells like stale sweat.

I am so baffled on what to do the man loves to be hot when he sleeps like two blankets flat sheet and fitted sheet! And he loves to burn up! Well when we got married we got like 80 dollar sheets as a gift I love these sheets they’re so soft and lovely to sleep on. But now they are stained into the shape of where my husband sleeps and my mattress is starting to turn yellow! I steam cleaned our bed and now I need to get the stains out of his pillows or just make him buy new ones! It’s THAT BAD LADIES!

I know he can’t control this, it’s a natural thing, but for a woman who has issues with Sweating it grosses me out! And I wish I could fix it!


If you have any confessions grab the link and link up with all of us
❤ KM

Week in Pictures!

It has been a really long freaking week! So I figured I’d do my blog in pictures since I’ve been really slacking this week! Sorry guys!

Sunday had to use KT Tape ill be doing a review soon, but works great!

Our indoor softball team made it to Playoffs! FTG! Woop Woop!

Monday and Tuesday I was sick so no pics
Wednesday we went up to my aunts about an hour drive and my baby got sick and threw up all over the car but she was a trooper she loves the camera!


Thursday my husband left the sweetest Facebook post on my page, it prob seems cliche but the man hardly goes on let alone write anything so it made my day!

Today I bought my new glove meaning my old one got lost, and it was older than me! Gotta love hand me downs haha I love it, my man knows the way to my heart, sports equipment!

This is hailey riding on a quad after she got sick in the car! I told you she was a trooper! And she didn’t have a fever so I’m not a bad mom! Don’t worry!


And that was our fun eventful week!
-KM ❤